
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Case Study: Best tips to Overcome the Fear of People Seeing My True Self
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Monday Apr 10, 2017
Welcome back to our Podcast Series. In this episode, I am talking with Ying Han Cheng. She is an innovation coach for Freedom Based Businesses.
Ying Han Cheng case study
- Clearing procrastination publishing my book
- Fear of people seeing my true self
- Innovation coach for freedom based lifestyle
- Finding your YOLA ( You Only Live Once) lifestyle with your YOLA business
- Constant seizing the moment
- Instant gratification for the long term
- Difficulty completing her book
- Self-doubt
- Overwhelmed vs it will never be perfect
- 180 pages done
- Fear no one will read it, no one will buy it
- Fear only my friends will buy it but it won't take off
- So much work to do for the launch, what if I can't keep up with the work?
- When people volunteer to help instead of me being happy I am afraid that I will fail them not finish the book
- I aim small instead of big, which becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
- Fear of being big and shining my light
- I am afraid to revealing my true self and my inner life - fear people won't like the real me, make fun of me, will judge me as weird
- self-doubt
- constricted throat
- strong heart beat
- shoulder spiky energy,
- anxious,
- wanting to hide, contracting
- looking for excuses to take more time
- never-ending not good enough
Tools used in this Case Study
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Visualize the energy of self-doubt around you disappearing like mist in the morning sun.
- Then moving off to infinity.
Here is the audio version in case you would like to listen and download this Case Study

Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Using Intuition, Trusting Gut and Learning to Love your Business
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Wednesday Apr 05, 2017
Edie Weinstein talks about "Using Intuition, Trusting Gut and Learning to Love your Business" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. Edie is a journalist, inspiring transformational speaker, licensed social worker, interfaith minister, editor, radio host, BLISS coach, event producer, Cosmic Concierge, the author of The Bliss Mistress Guide To Transforming The Ordinary Into The Extraordinary and co-author of Embraced By the Divine: The Emerging Woman’s Gateway to Power, Passion and Purpose.
Some of the topics discussed on the podcast are:
- How she got started using intuition in your business
- How she Learn to trust her gut
- How she learned to love being a businesswoman (relationships vs coercion)
- How to express intuitive hunches to staff or clients who may not understand intuition
- The different ways she gets intuitive message
- How to tell the difference between good guidance, your ego and psychotic voices
- How she read body language and voice inflections
- Why being a listener is key for an entrepreneur - using both ears and heart
- Why it is important to take dictation when listening to your intuition
- How intuition help being writer - trust intuition how communicate
- How to focus when you get distracted easily and get so many intuitive messages and creative ideas
- Why visioning my tasks during the during helps my day flow well.
- WWIT to know what the most profitable and joyful tasks to work on first today is?
- Optimistic (sp?) - sees the eyes through the eyes of possibility
- WWIT tool
- Setting office hours for your creative muse or guides
- Idea parking lot
Learn more about Edie Weinstein at:
*Website: https://www.opti-mystical.com/
*Twitter: https://twitter.com/EdieWeinstein1
*LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edie-weinstein-b8a7b44/
"Business is about relationship - people buy from you only when they know, like and trust you" - Edie
Book Allen Cohen The Dragon Doesn't Live Here Any More
Book Ram Das Be Here Now
Book Ask and it is Given - Abraham Hicks
The Hansel and Gretel breadcrumb trail - Look back on past events and intuitive messages to see how they worked out
Book Reinvent Yourself by James Altucher https://www.amazon.com/Reinvent-Yourself-James-Altucher-ebook/dp/B01NAM6W70/?tag=abundant0e-20

Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Tuesday Apr 04, 2017
Welcome back to our Case Study Series.
Sam is an amazing sales consultant and language learning entrepreneur
She already was using amazing WWIT since our previous session,
How to apply the first tools from the book within 12 hours and achieve big shifts in her business within 24 hours
- How you can deal with spiritual upgrades in the middle of the night?
- How to impregnate a book or business product service with strong success energy?
- Why being your true self leads to more sales and more connections?
- Why polarizing your audience is the key to sales success?
How you can deal with spiritual upgrades in the middle of the night?
- The moment when you are so relaxed, but not asleep yet. You just want to fall asleep, but a thought comes up.
- Thoughts and ideas rushing through my head
- Writing only have a small note, I would remember the whole thing
- I've been wanting to get my name to YouTube and do a podcast
- I don't feel like I have anything to offer
- I'm a sales person!
- Why don't I just talk to them about their businesses?
- After publishing a podcast, they will feel easier to talk with me about it
Problems and solutions:
- Keeping a phone by your bed- try pen and paper, because of the distractions from your phone
- Do guided meditation
- Try to get your body to a state to being able to listen to your intuition
- Confusing insomnia with this state of energetic upgrade
- Used to stay up for hours, stressing
- I ask myself, WWIT for me to feel alerted, rested and healthy in the morning, independent of how many hours I was sleeping?
just take a nap during the day, and avoid being a slave to the routine - Being both wired and tired
- Hot shower with lights off, just seat in the steam, do some meditation, nothing vocal
- Let your mind clear out, your sinuses clear out
- Imagine every drop of water as a new drop of love on you
How to impregnate a book or business product service with strong success energy?
- Reiki- benefits and bad sides
- Suggested options instead of Reiki
- Using tools like WWIT and TLC
- Intuition journal
- AB testing of the things you are trying out
Why being your true self leads to more sales and more connections?
- You may have to drop your fake masks
- Problem: my own fear not allowing me to be myself, and pretend being somebody else
- Being a sales person, doesn't mean you should pretend of being somebody else
- Some ppl will like you, some won't- so what?
- Whatever it takes is different than WWIT- just do what it takes to get what I want- that is very bad.
- People will be able to feel you're fake
- When you start to do what's best for the person, and for your company, that's the moment you will have benefit as well.
- Let's figure out what's best for you!
- No. 1 goal is to make their life better, to get them to take action.
- IF their life is better, so is mine.
- Being your true self works!
Why polarizing your audience is the key to sales success?
- Polarizing= putting things into separate groups
- Selling to everybody leads to no one buying
- You're being uninteresting that way. No one will be hooked
- Don't have to be radical about this. Polarize to at least some extent
- Being OK with some people love you, and some people hate you
- Why the haters are the best for improving your product?
- The ones who like you are not going to tell you honestly what they feel
- Aikido- use someone else's energy and use it against them
- Emotionally do the same thing
- Slipping- just slip out their way, and instead of holding a shield which is heavy, let it pass you
Tools used in this Case Study:
- WWIT= What Would It Take
- TLC= To the Light, Connect
- Intuition Journal

Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Quitting Drinking to Hear Your Intuition (How Anna moved from burnout to abundance)
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Wednesday Mar 29, 2017
Anna Wickham talks about “Quitting Drinking to Hear Your Intuition (How Anna moved from burnout to abundance)” in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast. Three years ago when I first met Anna, she was NOT intuitive at all. She was all logic. I was in her first mastermind at DCBKK 2014 talking about mindfulness, consciousness, and intuition. She later shared that she had no clue what we were talking about.
Today, she is totally different and uses her intuition freely in her business. Which is by the way, far more successful and happier for her to run.
Here is how she made this big change.
In this episode, we discussed:
Before - How not using intuition - Like swimming upstream, working so hard, burnout
After - ease, peace, accept oppotunites the universe brings.
Living her purpose - bigger than just making money
Making more money, working less, happier and healthier.
How to create time for Self-care gym, yoga, healthy food - and why this matters to your business success
How she stopped the work, party, sleep cycle.
Her Rock bottom moments -
- Hangover day when could not focus on work and her team
- Bad client situation - agency never would be profitable because expenses went up with new clients, failure
- How to not re-addict to another method to cover up pain
- Why being curious is key
- How she cleared perfectionism and self-judgement
"One of the things that changed for me during my "rock bottom" moment that I
talked about in my blog post is that I found my spirituality for the first time.
It has completely turned my life and business around. I am now living in my zone
of genius and experiencing more abundance than I ever thought possible.
I believe that most problems in society – drugs, obesity, alcoholism, workaholism, and even consumer debt and materialism – are all a result of us looking for ways to fill a void we feel in our hearts." - Anna
"The drinking part, though, was so much fun. Drinking was like liquid relaxation. It was instant relief from the anxiety that I thought I otherwise couldn’t escape. But I wouldn’t have told you I was anxious or even unhappy.
I didn’t realize I was unhappy, or that I was using alcohol as a “force quit” button for my overactive mind rather than learning how to turn it off myself. I didn’t understand it until more than 6 months after I quit drinking."
- Anna
Original blog post https://www.annawickham.com/stop-drinking/
Books mentioned:
You Can Heal Your Life By Louise Hay
The Big Leap by Gay Henricks
The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself
By Michael A. Singer
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead
By Brene Brown
Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself By Kristin Neff
Quote mentioned:
"Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson
Learn more about Anna Wickham at:
*Website: www.annawickham.com

Thursday Mar 23, 2017
IntoTheBox Conference Podcast with Giancarlo Gomez
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Thursday Mar 23, 2017
Giancarlo Gomez is ColdFusion developer, and in this episode, he will explain in detail what WebSockets are, and the use of WebSockets, the advantages etc.

Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Intuition Tea with Russell Smith (How I moved 2804km to start a joyful side business)
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Wednesday Mar 22, 2017
Russell Smith talks about "Intuition Tea with Russell Smith (How I moved 2804km to start a joyful side business)" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with Michael Light.
Russell is a tea lover, passionate content marketer and traveler. Currently living in Yunnan, Dali exploring one of the oldest tea regions in the world.
Some of the topics talked about in the episode are:
- Explosion in Tianjin
- His 2804km move to Dali
- Head messages- focus on one thing, just do the work even if a bit boring
- Russell's now or never moment
- When is tea comfortable to drink
- Clean, comfortable and flavor vs chemicals, expediency, and bad taste
- Different ways to access your intuition - a knowing, an alignment
- The need for clear space and time to hear intuition
- How you to deal with being an empathic entrepreneur
Learn more about Russell at:
Interview transcript:

Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Wednesday Mar 15, 2017
Carrie Roldan talks about "Intuition, Teams and Leading from Behind (How to empower your staff for more joy and profits)" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with Michael Light.
Carrie Roldan is fiercely committed to “lifting” others. Known as the “Business BFF”, Carrie helps heart centered entrepreneurs to align body, mind, and business and live in their highest calling. She is the creator of the Body-Mind-Business Reboot, and also teaches Feminine Leadership and how to create a culture of success.
Some of the topics mentioned are:
- Building a culture using your intuition
- Choosing to be a lifter rather than a leader.
- Customizing your leadership style to your team member
- Why Co-creating culture is key to building human capital in your business
- Noticing team problems ahead of time
- How to use Trash talk jar and affirmations jar to head off team drama
- Inspiring team member to lead - being a steward of your team
- Giving others permission to lead via teaching and intuitive gifts
- How your learned that the rules/"corporate right way" does them not work for team leadership
- How to be a successful renegade leader
- How to come into alignment on cellular level with your business and why it matters
- Running as meditation
- Why aligning with higher power makes more profits and joy
- How to lean into leadership - growing into it when you have what to do if you are called to lead (due to your service or tribe building) but are not a born leader
Mentioned in this episode
- "There are lifters and leaners in your life. You know who is which when you see their name on caller id and notice how you feel" - John Maxwell
- "Leading is helping others to shine" - Carrie
- "Behave like the person you would like to become" - Carrie
- The Peter Principle
- Carrie's book - Run Yourself Happy; A five step training program, to release anxiety and create space for miracles.
- "A strength is not a skill. It is where you fully alive and empower. exergized. A weakness deplets you" - Carrie
- "Sometimes you have to get your body tired to quiet your mind" - Carrie
- The Hormone Reset Diet
- "It is better to lead from behind and to put others in front, especially when you celebrate victory when nice things occur. You take the front line when there is danger. Then people will appreciate your leadership." - Nelson Mandela
Learn more about Carrie at:

Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Business Intuition, Young Entrepreneurship and Intuition
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Wednesday Mar 08, 2017
Julia Neiman talks about "Business Intuition, Young Entrepreneurship and Intuition" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with Michael Light. Julia shares her experiences as a clinical social worker, and how she uses her intuition in creating her own business and writing books.
Topics discussed in the interview:
- Intuitive channeling
- Expanding your consciousness
- Intuitive emotions
- Connecting intuition with the physical
- Spirituality
- Meditation
31 Powerful Lessons for Empowering Teens in Entrepreneurship
Picking from the Passion Tree
Vishen Lakhiani from Mindvalley
Learn more about Julia Neiman at: http://www.julianeiman.com/
[pdf-embedder url="http://intuitiveleadershipmastery.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Julia-Nieman-1.pdf" title="Julia Nieman"]

Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
The Role of Intuition and Play in Business, Joy, Compatibility and Discernment
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Wednesday Mar 01, 2017
Justice Bartlett talks about "The Role of Intuition and Play in Business, Joy, Compatibility and Discernment" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with Michael Light.
Justice is the founder of EmBody Me, which focuses on heart-centered transformation and living. She is passionate about living fully and presently in the body, in joy, peace, ease, and comfort. Through her work, she invites others to fall in love with their being, body, and life.
Some of the topics talked about in the episode are:
- Playing with ideas for your business
- Seeing what you can learn from a mistake
- Becoming more creative
- Imagination and creativity
- Getting to know our feelings
- "Supposed to" and "should"
- New paradigm business model
- Taking survey on employees
- Listening to your gut feeling
- Setting a state you want to feel
Learn more about Justice at:
Embody Me to Playfully Conscious http://www.embodyme.org/
@InsightJustice https://twitter.com/insightjustice

Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Ask Your Intuition And Find Sucess in Business
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
Wednesday Feb 22, 2017
James Jacobson talks about "Ask Your Intuition And Find Success in Business" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with Michael Light.
James is the bestselling author of the book How to Meditate with Your Dog and also the CEO of Nutriments. In this episode, he shares how he uses intuition in finding success in his business and the methods he uses.
- Why 3 minutes of meditation per day is critical to your business growth
- How to start meditating if you are afraid of doing it wrong
- Meditating with you dog
- The power of WWIT
- Pray vs Listening
- Receiving intuitive messages from animals
- The Psychic parking spot - and biz application of this skill
How to Meditate with your dog
Functional Nutriments