
Thursday May 18, 2017
Kim billing blockage case study tw wave improved.mp3
Thursday May 18, 2017
Thursday May 18, 2017
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Kim. Her main concern is Billing Blockages. She needs to send invoices to the clients, but she doesn't. She procrastinates, delays for days, months, even years. And, she's tired of it.
Episode highlights
- Procrastinate on sending invoices
- If I have money then I wait because I think it would be there for a rainy day
- When I had monthly clients I did bill every
- For my clients, I create their invoices on time
- I have two new clients that I will be doing invoicing
- Once I send an invoice I usually get paid fast
- My extra money, my spend on myself money, my slush fund
- Free money to build up my bank account doesn’t seem to matter so much to me
- Her mom never has enough money, money was always an issue, could never get nice things or go on vacations
- I am good at clearing physical clutter but I get stuck on mental clutter
- I shouldn’t need help or reminders. Snap out of it and get it done.
- High blood pressure
Think about creating these old billings and what do you notice in your body
- Relief
- Hot and bit tense, like a hot flush
- Lack of clarity on tasks I did
- Heavy junk
- Overwhelm, frustrated that I know how to do but I never do it
- Head is very distracted
- Guilty that I can’t seem to do this myself
- Fear that my security blanket is not secure and might slip off
- 4 y.o. My mom and dad - dad didn’t come to pick her up just after her parents separated
- What percentage is left now? 17%
- WWIT for it to be 0%? 1 hour of uninterrupted time
- WWIT to have an hour of uninterrupted time for myself?
- Schedule this instead of my massage for Sunday
- Just breath through it
- How many ancestors have had the same pattern? 71
- How many past lives with the same pattern? 14
- How many other dimensions
- What percentage is left now? 3%
- WWIT to get to 2%?
- Take some deep breath
- How many need to take? 2
- Now at 1%
- WWIT to get to 0%?
- Move my body
- Now what do you notice thinking about creating these old invoices?
- Grounded, happy, moving forward
- Cut cords with all family members
- Cord restricting me, should do things the family way
- How many cords did you have? 4
- Waist control
- 2 Wrists pulling me in different directions - me as a mom and me an individual
- Right Ear - I must always be on guard to hear if some wrong
Tools from the book
- TLC (To the Light, Connect)
- WWIT (What Would It Take)
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Percentage Cleared
- Spiritual Advisory Board
- Cord cutting

Wednesday May 17, 2017
Asking the Intuition What Valuable Life Skills to Use For Our Business
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Wednesday May 17, 2017
Marlaine Cover talks about "Asking the Intuition What Valuable Life Skills to Use For Our Business" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. Marlaine or also known as "Mama Marlaine" is a Social Entrepreneur, passionately committed to elevating everyday Life Skills education. Founder of the international consciousness movement Parenting 2.0, she is also the creator of the Life Skills Report Card and bestselling author of “Kissing the Mirror, Raising Humanity in the Twenty-first Century.”
Here are some of the topics discussed in the podcast:
- What are life skills and why do they matter so much to entrepreneurs and business leaders today
- Why is proactive life skills education important?
- What is intra-communication and why it can increase your profits
- Why we need to stop suffering from low life skills competency in staff now
- How to dramatically improve team communication
- Why everyone on your team needs to be good at conflict resolution
- Why this new shift in conscious to proactive learning and using these skills matters now
- Her book “Kissing the Mirror, Raising Humanity in the Twenty-
first Century.” https://www.amazon.com/Kissing-Mirror-Humanity-Twenty-first-Century/dp/1452551073/ - Marget Meade quote "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Stephen Covey's book The 8th Habit and the concept of 4 intelligences: IQ, EQ, SQ and PQ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00AYIDTC4/?tag=abundant0e-20
Learn more about Marlaine Cover at:
Parenting 2.0 https://www.parenting2pt0.org/
Kissing the Mirror https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0093MH8AG/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/marlainecover/
Twitter https://twitter.com/MamaMarlaine

Wednesday May 10, 2017
Conscious Eating and Intuition
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Wednesday May 10, 2017
Barbara Fernandez talks about "Conscious Eating and Intuition (12 ways to increase your business intuition and be healthier too)" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light.
Barbara Fernandez, the Rocking Raw Chef, is passionate about teaching entrepreneurs how to harness the power of natural foods to help free themselves from depression, anxiety, and stress. Having used food to overcome severe clinical depression herself, Barbara creates recipes that not only taste amazing but are also quick and easy. “I don't like to cook, but I love food and I hate carrot sticks, so it has to be healthy, fast and tasty,” she says. Featured in numerous newspapers and magazines, she has been working with raw food for 15+ years and has a certificate in Raw Food Nutrition led by David Wolfe. She also uses the transformative power of theater and sound in her live events, as she is trained in Voice Movement Therapy and Playback Theater. She is trilingual (French, Spanish, English) as well as a professional rock singer, belting out her own 'raw' lyrics to her spoof versions of popular singers on SoundCloud. She has also recently launched a podcast called Clean Food, Dirty Stories, which combines real, raw and sometimes bizarre stories about life's curveballs and how you can rock them with wicked real food wisdom. Her website is rockingrawchef.com
Some of the topics covered in the podcast are:
- How to pick food using your intuition for vibrant health and more energy during your work day
- from menu - When to eat
- Using WWIT for healthier eating and more intuition
- Blessing food to shift its vibration and make it more compatibility to you
- Why the words you speak during cooking are so important to healthy food preparation
- Water writing
- Energy in food from people, the room, and implements
- Clean and tidy kitchen - care and love
- Why you should not talk while eating
- Eating vs talking, vibration of the words
- How gratitude rituals help food taste better and be healthier
- Appreciate of the plants and animals dying for us
- How plant and animal raised and killed - fear chemical
- Why old emotions may come up when eating clean
- How to have amazing digestion
- what helps - no talking, mindful
- do not eat when angry or upset - eat out of love vs damping down emotions
- talk to your gut and the bacteria - What is your gut saying to
- Fasting
- Ego eating vs body eating
- Notice how I feel during and after eating that food
- Food that helps improve your intuition and psychic abilities
- Food to avoid if you want to have excellent business intuition
- Chemical applied to plants and animals
- esp pesticides intuition blockers
- water and fluoride 3rd eye, toxic
- no plastic bottles - use metal or glass
- Sugar
- Red meat - What to do if you get over sensitive to energy - Grounding by eating root veggies or a little piece of meat
Special article URL for ILM:
Movie Like Water for Chocolate
Book The Secret Life of Plants
Colonic Irrigation
Blessed Herb cleanse
Go to a Sauna to detox when fasting or eating raw
Tamasic, Rajasic, Sattvic food types in Ayurveda cooking
Learn more about Barbara Fernandez at:
*Podcast - http://apple.co/2lLwfGh
*Website - http://www.rockingrawchef.com/
*Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/rockingrawchef
*Twitter - http://twitter.com/rockingrawchef
*Pinterest - http://www.pinterest.com/rockingrawchef
*Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/user/therawrockchick
*Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/rockingrawchef
*SoundCloud - http://www.soundcloud.com/rockingrawchef

Monday May 08, 2017
How to Overcome Entrepreneurial Impostor Syndrome Case Study
Monday May 08, 2017
Monday May 08, 2017
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Naomi. Her main concern is that she might be losing more than $300.000/year because of the Entrepreneurial Impostor Syndrome. This is something that so many people feel, and it is becoming more obvious every day. Let's solve the problems Naomi has, and I hope this will help some of you deal with yours.
Problems and challenges
- When I need to pitch myself to new clients I get nervous - I am not as good as other entrepreneurs
- If I have not done a task before and got perfect results I am scared I might not get the results they want, it will be my fault, they are angry with me, I have let them down, their are disappointed, I feel like a failure, ashamed, embarrassed
- Belief that everyone is making stuff up all the time, don’t know all the answers, just trying their best
- My work is so easily tracked so it is very obvious when my work is good or bad. Nervous that I will judged by my clients that I am not good enough
- Not confident enough in what I have to offer
- Constant Worry and anxiety that maybe I am doing something wrong or I am not doing the best that my client could have gotten from someone else
- Always thinking to myself “Why would they trust me?”
- Effects/Results
- Holds me back from pitching and outreach. Only doing 5-10% of what I could be doing
- I could be making another $27k/month or $324k/year
- Holds me back from being a superstar and changing the planet for the better helping a lot of people
- Spend 20% more time on projects that I need to make them perfect in my own mind. This 288 hours per year of extra work I don’t need to be doing
- Drains my energy - only 4/10 energy
- Health: I make worse health decides when I feel this way
- Eat 1-2 more dessert servings than usual
- I work out more to contact my negative emotions and stress about this. For 2-3 hours.
- I rely on others to give me confidence, so when they are not around I have a big problem
- Nervous, uncertain, scared, stomach tense, rapid shallow breath
- 6 y.o. Parents sat me down told me they were getting divorced
- Send the energy of certainty and calm to her
- What color is this to you in this moment
- purple
- How many ancestors have you got on your mom’s side?
- Fathers?
- Past lives with this pattern?
- Percentage left? 60%
- WWIT to get it to 50%?
- Cut cords with family
- How many in place? 3
- Where was it attached in your body?
- Hip
- How kept in place - not noticing
- 2nd - heart - rope
- 3rd - upper back, between shoulders, grey, shame
- WWIT for it to be safe, right and good to see all my reality clearly?
- Trust
- WWIT to trust?
- Seeing the patterns I run
- Inward journey
- Meditation and psychedelics
- Gratefulness
- What percentage left now? 50%
- Did you or parents checkout during your birth, pregnancy and conception?
- Clear from DNA, cells, organs, chakras
- What percentage left now? 49%
- WWIT to get it to 48 ¾ %
- What are you afraid of if you let this go?
- Confident,
- Role model - Steve Jobs
- Spiritual Advisory Board - Steve Jobs, Frank Warren, Gandhi, Benjamin Franklin, Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela
- What would they say?
- Just do it
- Do it while I feel uncomfort rather than wait to feel comfortable before I do it
- Trust yourself
- Ask them for the exact words to write or say in your work
- What would they say?
- At 40%
- WWIT to get 30%?
- practice
- Discipline
- What other area of your life do you have discipline in?
- In yoga
- How
- Think about the results you want rather
- Not giving myself outs, no alternative
- Do it with other people
- Pay a teacher
- At 30%
- Ask your future self what helpful to clear this fully?
- What yoga pose would help? Warrior 3
- What location would help? A Coworking space
- Schedule it 11.00am until I finished
- Set a mini goal to know when I am done
- Photos of happy clients on top of my laptop
- Me Smiling
- At 0%
Tools from the book
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Percentage Cleared
- Spiritual Advisory Board
- Cord cutting

Wednesday May 03, 2017
Combining Intuition with Rational Mind - a more effective solution in Business
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Wednesday May 03, 2017
Jordan Greenhall talks about "Combining Intuition with Rational Mind - a more effective solution in Business" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. Jordan is now in his seventeenth year of building disruptive technology companies. Classic “Ready Player One” style 80’s nerd. Comics, science fiction, computers, way too much TV and role-playing games. Oh, so many role playing games. Naturally, these interests led to a deep dive into contemporary philosophy (particularly the works of Gilles Deleuze and Manuel DeLanda), artificial intelligence and complex systems science in college in the early 90’s and then, as the Internet was exploding into the world, a few years at Harvard Law School of all places where he spent time with Larry Lessig, Jonathan Zittrain and Cornel West examining the coevolution of human civilization and technology.
Here are some of the topics discussed in the podcast:
- Jordan's creative and writing process that lets him write in depth new ideas such as in his viral article "Situational Assessment 2017". And the role of intuition in this.
- Why getting inside your opponent's OODA loop is key in politics or business.
Observe Orient Decide Act - The highest bandwidth OODA loop wins.
- What is a meme is and why it matter to your business + the dark arts of copywriting
- The medium is the message - the change in tech is a phase quality shift - changes the game and unpredicabile
- Why fighting the "last war" is a mistake in politics or business
- World Culture War II: The opportunities in the dramatic current changes in sense and nature of identity, meaning, and purpose
- Actions to take now
- Jordan's Situational Assessment 2017: Trump Edition https://medium.com/deep-code/situational-assessment-2017-trump-edition-d189d24fc046#.dtku79bam
- Jordan's Situational Analysis 2017 https://medium.com/deep-code/situational-assessment-2017-trump-edition-d189d24fc046#.15mdrg3qk
- Vinital (sp?) Roy - redefined reality as how much is shared - how realized it is
- A meme https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meme is "an idea, behavior, or style that spreads from person to person within a culture". A meme acts as a unit for carrying cultural ideas, symbols, or practices that can be transmitted from one mind to another through writing, speech, gestures, rituals, or other imitable phenomena with a mimicked theme. Memes are the cultural analogues to genes in that they self-replicate, mutate, and respond to selective pressures.
- The Selfish Gene by Richard Dwakins https://www.amazon.com/Selfish-Gene-Anniversary-Landmark-Science-ebook/dp/B01GI5F2FS/?tag=abundant0e-20
- The Meme Machine Susan Blackwell https://www.amazon.com/Meme-Machine-Popular-Science/dp/019286212X/?tag=abundant0e-20
- Trust Me, I'm Lying: Confessions of a Media Manipulator by Ryan Holiday https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0074VTHH0/?tag=abundant0e-20
- The Zeitgeist https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitgeist_(film_series)
- The Medium and the Message: Understanding the Information World by Marshall McLuhan https://www.amazon.com/Medium-Message-Understanding-Information-World/dp/1635358566/?tag=abundant0e-20
- The OODA loop by John Boyd https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
- The 7 Day Startup: You Don't Learn Until You Launch by Dan Norris https://www.amazon.com/Day-Startup-
- Learn-Until-Launch-ebook/dp/B00NZFKB8S/?tag=abundant0e-20
- War in Age of Intelligent Machine by Manuel De Landa https://www.amazon.com/War-Intelligent-Machines-Manuel-Landa/dp/0942299752/?tag=abundant0e-20
Learn more about Jordan Greenhall at:
*Website: http://neurohacker.com/
*Profile: http://neurohacker.com/jordan-greenhall/
*Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/neurohackercollective/

Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
How To Use Intuition In Business And Other Areas In Life with Conni Biesalski
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Wednesday Apr 26, 2017
Conni Biesalski talks about "How To Use Intuition In Business And Other Areas In Life" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast, with host Michael Light. Conni helps people to live and work location-independent while embracing a conscious, healthy and spiritual lifestyle. She created Germany’s biggest travel blog Planet Backpack and is the co-founder of Blog Camp, an online school for professional blogging. Conni is a certified yoga teacher, she loves surfing and lives on a plant-based diet. Turning to yoga, meditation and spirituality have changed her life, the way she works and travels completely.
Some of the topics discussed in the podcast are:
- How to use intuition in your business
- How you hear your intuitive messages
- How intuition helped Conni start a new business (called Live your Heart Out)
- How she dramatically changed her YouTube channel and how intuition helped her get thousands of subscribers
- Why Surfing is a key business skill to have
- How she has grown closer to her business intuition and inner guidance
- How to trust your intuition more and act on it
- The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer https://www.amazon.com/Surrender-Experiment-Journey-Lifes-Perfection-ebook/dp/B00NDTUDOS/?tag=abundant0e-20
- Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway: Dynamic techniques for turning Fear, Indecision, and Anger into Power, Action and Love by Susan Jeffers Ph.D. https://www.amazon.com/Feel-Fear-Anyway-techniques-Indecision-ebook/dp/B008OXEROK/?tag=abundant0e-20
- Grinberg Therapy http://www.grinbergmethod.com/
Learn more about Conni Biesalski at:
*Website: https://www.connibiesalski.com
*Youtube: https://youtube.com/c/connibiesalski
*Instagram: https://instagram.com/conni.biesalski

Monday Apr 24, 2017
Powerful Way to Use Your Intuition to Change Money Thermostat
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Monday Apr 24, 2017
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Jan Roos. Jan does lead generation for law firms, and he has troubles to push the limit of making $15k/month.
Problems and challenges
- How he combined WWIT with his GTD weekly review
- The secret weapon.org and Evernote
- Cue off a bad biz mood to TLC
- Wants to TLC during morning routine to proactively head off bad biz moods
- Cord cutting with energy vampire - fewer vampires in my life and obsess about them less too
- Helps me get back to sleep
- Helps me get over bad sales and make better sales calls afterward.
Background and fears
- Jan does lead gen for law firms, good start, client churn due to my negligence,
- Income ceiling $15k/mo (topline)
- Channels shut down, banned from LinkedIn, a limited geo area,
- Went below my min $5k - would have to leave NYC and drop my lease
- Too much 80/20 so didn’t work enough with clients or doing marketing/sales
- Ignored issues with my account management team
- Found a great vein of traffic
- Now moved from 4 sales calls to 25/week
But what if I screw it up again?
- Avoidances/resistance to being in the biz at all
- Money Thermostat Min
- Necessary expenses
- Pay myself first -
Clarity of exact needs
- Paying off debt
- Unexpected repairs
- Tax bills - estimated tax per month
WWIT to have a clear spreadsheet of all my expenses?
- Avoiding my financial reality
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Chest tight, heart contracted, feeling like at edge of cliff, anxiety
- 6 y.o. with mean substitute teacher, I was going to be trouble
- Raising your self-worth 7/10
- WWIT to get it to an 8?
- WWIT to get it to a 9?
- WWIT to get it to a 10?
- Who are role models for this?
- Richard 80/20
- Tim Ferris
- Richard
- Peter Thief
- Who are role models for this?
- Not deserve to be location independent
- Comfortable working hard
Money Thermostat Max
- $20k
- Ok
- Not inspiring
- IDK how make a difference
- Apathy mist, cut cords
- $30k
- A hint of a flinching, weight in chest, maybe too good to be truth trap, excitement that has gotten you burnt
- Youngest age 14 with
- Percentage
- Ideal $50k
- Feel a door is shut
- Disconnected from me
- IDK the path to get there
- Brilliant orange Line gets to 40k then becomes grey
- Fear that my biz will become Too complex and cumbersome
- Would have to move beyond flat hierarchy (where I control all)
- Not comfort employing or hiring an A-grade manager
- Need a good sales process without me bottlenecking it
- Need a scalable marketing process
- Need sales and marketing system and staff that is way bigger than your churn
- Need a system and people to reduce churn
- Need a better client filtering system
- Keep set up fees
- Better contract
- WWIT to have all these systems and great staff in place?
- $100k/mo
- Feels easier than $50k!
- Lack of my bandwidth, fear it would be my whole life
- Wear the owner hat
Tools in this episode
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Percentage of a Pattern remaining

Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Achieving Your Goals in Less Time Using Intuition with Chris Sparks
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Wednesday Apr 19, 2017
Chris Sparks talks about "Achieving Your Goals in Less Time Using Intuition" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. Chris is a productivity coach, working directly with entrepreneurs to help them overcome their procrastination and reach peak productivity. He is the author of the playbook Self-Programming for Peak Performance, and he is also ranked in the top 20 in the world, that's out of 100 million people who play poker.
Some of the topics discussed in the podcast are:
- Key insights in achieving goals in less time
- Getting clear on goals
- Productivity hacks
- Putting enough time and thought into planning
- Resistance to success
- Mathematics of how to win at games
- Setting morning routines
OODA loop by John Boyd - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OODA_loop
Eugene Gendlin - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugene_Gendlin
Taylor Pearson - http://intuitiveleadershipmastery.com/podcast/intuition-behind-the-founder-product-market-fit/
Woody Allen - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woody_Allen
Focus 55 - https://www.facebook.com/The-Focus-55-123935887708536/
Learn more about Chris Sparks at:
*Website: sparksvc.com
*Social media: @SparksRemarks (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)

Monday Apr 17, 2017
Case Study: Judy Schramm, Sales Calls With Joy and Intuition
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Monday Apr 17, 2017
Welcome back to our Case Study Series. In this episode, I am talking with Judy Schramm. She is an author, speaker, and executive LinkedIn expert.
Episode topics:
- The burden and resistance of having to make sales calls, or avoiding making them.
- Let go my salesperson and sales was my responsibility and I had blocked out an hour a day and I was not doing it
- And I have great excuses for not doing sales calls and following up (But really it was resistance)
- How she went from feeling sales task were a burden to being a joy and being keen to do them
- Clearing the belief that sales is manipulation, bothering and interrupting others
Solutions & Success:
- How she closed 3 deals worth $20k in the week after clearing the energy blocks to sales. And she no longer avoiding making sales calls and following up.
- 4 Intuitive Leadership tools that helped Judy free up her inner sales diva
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler
- Parents timeline
- Percent left =80%
- Her secret pre-call "chat" using the 2-chairs method
- Looking at Sales as healing
- Moving the time for sales calls from 4pm ET to vary the time - Pick up the phone when my intuition says it is the best time to reach that particular person
- Feeling where a prospect list is "sticky"
- What would it take to make the sales hour joyful?
- What is the goal of the sales hour? Helping people, solving marketing problems, helping them make the decision about whether or not to work with us.
- Clarity, feeling good about decision
- TLC before sales calls
- Heart connection during call
- Set the intention for the day using WWIT and TLC them.
- Adding some sales experts that you admire to your Spiritual Advisory Board, Sales sub-committee
Tools used in this case study:
- Spiritual Advisory Board
- Youngest Age Pattern Recycler

Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Business Intuition and Intuitive Art with Rachel Archelaus
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Wednesday Apr 12, 2017
Rachel Archelaus talks about "Business Intuition and Intuitive Art" in this episode of the Intuitive Leadership Mastery Podcast with host Michael Light. Rachel Archelaus is the founder of the Intuitive Art Academy where she teaches people how to have a two-way conversation with their intuition. She is an internationally known spiritual teacher and business mentor to lightworkers. Her book, Intuitive Art: Have a Two-Way Conversation with your Higher Self, will be out in May.
Some of the topics discussed in the episode are:
- How can you figure out in your business using your intuition and intuitive art?
- What are practical applications?
- Why Rachel?
- openly psychic, guides, creative kid
- 11 year old - Name story
- What is the higher self and why you want to have a relationship with her?
- How to trust yourself more and why it is important in business
- Start to access your intuition on purpose in your business
- myself, partner, friends, forgotten to go within - Why is business intuition important now?
- Why two-way conversation with your intuition important?
- Book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek https://www.amazon.com/Start-Why-Leaders-Inspire-Everyone-ebook/dp/B002Q6XUE4/?tag=abundant0e-20
- Fear and excitement are the same energy - just need to perceive the emotion differently and move your body
- Steve Martin movie Parenthood scene - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parenthood_(film)
- You can't make mistakes - you either learn/grow or have an experience you need
- "The rules of reality are changing and you need to use your intuition to navigate our business for more abundance, fun and ease" - Rachel
- "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us." - Marianne Williamson https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/928-our-deepest-fear-is-not-that-we-are-inadequate-our
Learn more about Rachel Archelaus at:
http://intuitiveartacademy.com = Free Intuitive Art Class